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Oma Dulco'

To catch our energy, please sit comfy with a cup of tea/coffee, put our favorite road song while you read this post. Enjoy being with us

Title : I believe - acoustic Live - Sam Garrett (Spotify/Deezer)

July, 24th.

We woke up with the sound of birds, they are singing loudly, it's sounds like an old phone sounds.

Actually, we loved it so much that Niels made some researches about it and it looks like this cutty is a «Bellbird ».

A small thing who make me already in a good mood. It's feel good. I’m smiling.

I checked out quickly the time but it’s still kind of early…

Condensation are all around the windows, it is pretty impossible to see outside from the bed.

Out there, you can just forget about double layer of glass. It is just wood and glass. 

Simple. Natural.

I can feel the first light of the sunrise. It feel almost like summer even if outside of the bed, the air is a bit humid. Gosh, one big breath, lucky we are. I am already excited to start the day, specially this one.

My brain start slowly worming up... small smile, big smile, huge smile

I’m turning quickly to check Niels’s face.

Of course, he is awake and he is watching me with a lovely smile.

Without any word, we know… today it’s gonna be our Day, the Day of our real adventure, the Day we imagined for months.

In fact, we spent 2 weeks here in Auckland and it was not only to « check around » and make pictures, we wanted to move on, out of the big city !!!!

Working hard to find THE perfect travelling partner, the one able to achieve our nomad dream life, to save us during bad weather and give us some comfort after hundred of kilometers.


YES, Today we found our Van !!!!


Here it is, let’s introduce our « Oma Dulco’ »

Yes, it is her name, it is a woman, old but strong => « Oma » = Grand Ma in Dutch

And « Dulco’ » for Dulcolax because it is Ford Transit.

Dulcolax was the name given by Lucie & Eloi, the last owner.

When we talk about our Oma Dulco’ we have to talk about Lucie & Eloi, a French sweet couple who spent about 7 months in NZ exploring the country.

We met them for the first time with a warm cup of coffee and an apple cake.

It was the first viewing and … you know it was a big crush for the Van and for them.

They worked a lot to make Oma Dulco’ pretty with a luxury wooden kitchen, makes her modern with Solar Panel in order to have some electricity, comfortable. She is really comfy and we feel like home with pictures from family, candles, small lights and even some pantoufles. Can you believe it ?

They did an amazing job and we were the lucky ones.

The last evening, we celebrated this new partnership all together with some wine, pizza and a French breakfast as a starting point.

"New Zealand is the country of happiness and freedom. We are so happy that Elo & Niels will discover it soon with Dulcolax. We know they will carry the story and take care of him. "Happy ending", those are coming from Niels to describe our feeling and he is actually not wrong. It is quite difficult to say bye to our house because he is part of our adventure. In the same time, we just met wonderful people and thanks to NZ's stars for that.
Vanlife is not just a way of living, it is the best freedom feeling and we are sure they will enjoy it.
See you soon guys , Sincerely nice to meet you"
Lucie & Eloi

Oma Dulco is clean, smell nice inside, the "Sex Wax", Flavor Coconut...

It is the time for Niels and I to drive our first kilometers on the left side.

We had 2 days to prepare the van and make our space before to take the road. Grocery, unpacking and already think about new adaptation.

We spent in total 3 days to instal a shower with hot water, it took us a lots of hours upside-down under the kitchen, in the boat store to understand the water flow, the pressure of the water. On July 27th we had our first warm shower in the street…. No more shower in the « swimming pool » with dirty shower. NO MORE…. I Hope !

Nomad life is starting, from Auckland to Thames, in Coromandel District… here is the start

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Aug 10, 2023

Oma Dulco d'amour <3 qu'elle vous mène vers les plus belles aventures. Gros bisous à tous les 2. Caro


Jul 29, 2023

Oma Dulco est dorénavant plus qu’un compagnon de route, il va partager avec vous toutes les émotions et ressentir toutes les énergies. Prenez soin de vous. Mom and Dad from France 🇫🇷


HC Systems
Jul 29, 2023

You have a nice living place on the road! It looks very nice and natural. Enjoy your journey and place’s that’s on the road. We love you both 😘

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