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Last days Before leaving...



Here we are, those are our first words here, and… DAMN it feels soooo good.

We are now 5 days before the departure for Auckland, a year of adventure with a WH visa.

In 5 days, we are running throw a new chapter of our life, a first jump into a nomad life without limit.

Niels & I made the choice to travel together, to share this experience as a team, a partnership, a couple. Non of us are the accompagnent of the other, we have both a different reason to go and independently happy with our own, we just want to live this together, for life.

This adventure has been thought couple years ago, even before we met each other but now, it is just around the corner. We needed about a year to be prepared with first all practical stuffs and we ‘ve never been so close to the departure.We quit our job, we left our cozy apartment in the Netherlands and we spent time with our family & friends.

Our bag is more or less over and that is still a big challenge to choose clothes we gonna wear for… a year, maybe more. I guess at the end, you don’t want wear anymore those for life… or maybe it will be the opposite, live with quite nothing.

Anyway, I realized that after being both busy with preparation, I forgot to mentalize me emotionally speaking. I have a thousand of emotion in a minute, but "it is normal", they said.

I’ve read that the mood will change everytime ; up and down with high intensity.

I feel Niels confident, in peace, he looks ready, not sure it's the same inside but and it definitely helps me to not get totally crazy with all those questions.

How can be the dream of your life for such a long time and at the last week doubting about everything, sometimes even thinking to cancel it ?

Anyway, let's go with the flow.

Big kisses.

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Jul 04, 2023

Bon vol.✈️. Ca y est vous avez quitté le sol français pour 40h avant de poser les pieds en NZ. L aventure a démarré. Big kisses. 😘😘. Martine


Jul 03, 2023

Bon voyage 🌻✨ ! Belle aventure ensemble 💕


Nikolett Jócsák
Nikolett Jócsák
Jul 03, 2023

Sis...heel veel plezier...mis je...veel liefs van ons 😘😘


Jul 03, 2023

Magnifique 😍 quelle belle aventure qui commence, je suis trop contente de voir que ce qui était à l'état de projet quand j'étais à Utrecht est maintenant réalité! Je vous suivrai ici bonne route 💕


Jul 01, 2023

It will be a super nice adventure . We are very proud of you. Big kiss from us 💋💋❤️❤️

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