We are at Dubai Airport when I start writing.
I am seating on the chair, and I keep thinking what are we doing here ? I guess, I am still not able to realize what is going on, still... Niels is seating close to me on one of those awful plastic blue chairs common from all airports in the world. He feel the same, it looks that we are going on holiday, just for couple of weeks.
Few hours before, Niels took the time for last family phone calls, just before taking off from Lyon Airport. Goodbyes were difficult, he was definitely much more human than me at this time. I said goodbye to my family today too, I was lucky to hug, to kiss, just to see them, a huge luck compare to Niels handling it by phone. When it was the time to say goodbye, I felt my emotion just gone, I could not realize, I felt like a machine, just ready to go.
My body, my mind were strongly prepared to leave, no tears and not in my habit !!!!! Can you believe it ? I’ve already faced in the past a traumas when I left for a year; I guess, my inside was probably too scared to feel the same, so my soul was fully covered, like emotionless.
I understand better now why I felt a ball growing up into my stomach since a couple of week now. I compensate. In two seconds, our family, my house in France, our friends were all behind us and we were already seating in the first plane.
Anyway, our first flight is over now and we arrived at Dubai airport around midnight, local hour. The plan was , to find a quiet corner in order to sleep a bit. It was definitelly under estimated Dubai, the bling bling huge international hub where there is no time to rest, no time to stop. Everyone is in the rush, fancy stores are full., crowded… all the time. Seems like no one make any difference between day and night. We spent about a month in France around mountains, we are far from it and changes are huge...
Niels has small eyes, he is tired. He is in his bubble but he is smiling to me, he knows me. We are out of our comfort zone but no matter where we are, I feel home with him, protected.
After waiting hours and hours , waiting in line or not, we are finally into this huge plane, it is our last big step before our destination. The journey was pretty long, 14 hours from Dubai.
Sometimes, I'm looking at the small screen to identify where we are. Outside it's fully dark, all the time even if we flew above oceans and countries.
Jess is our first surprise made in NZ, a wonderful curly woman with ocean blue eyes. She has hippie vibes mixing with a strong NZ accent. Exactly what we needed. Between short sleeps, she gave us many tips, it feels comfortable and secure.
Dad was right again, this wonderful adventure starts from the plane, when you get lucky to seat close to a nice soul.
From the window, Niels and I have big open eyes (you know, those kids eyes) when we finally see a piece of land. From the air, NZ looks already rich from nature, amazing colors: dark green color mixing with light blue around coasts, even a shy rainbow welcomed us; no doubt we are arrived in NZ.
Once landed, we have trouble to stay calm. Niels, normally really patient is stamping; we miss space, the fresh oxygen; we just want to see not behind windows.
wir freuen uns so für euch. Genieße jede Minute und vergesse eure Nonna und Opa nicht. Sie denken jeden Tag an euch
Exciting ! Gros bisous à vous 2. Caro <3
It’s difficult for parents that the kids are leaving to the other site off the world. But when you have the opportunity to do it, it’s great. Have fun you two. Enjoy all off it what’s coming. We love you both. 😘
Que l’aventure commence … 😘